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6.0L Ford FICM
Service levels and options to fit any budget or timeline!
See the links below for service types, levels and tuning options!
FICM Repair - Mail in your FICM to be repaired here!
FICM Exchange - We'll send you a FICM on exchange here!
FICM Purchase - No core? Buy a FICM free and clear here!
FICM Tuning - Get your FICM Tuned with no downtime here!
We do far more than just FICMs; we repair most vehicle modules. (ECM/TCM/PCM, etc.)
As for truck parts, we service and sell nearly everything you could want or need for your truck! Give us a call at:

Hot Deal!
Save $75 by ordering a Premium or Ultra level FICM and SCT X4 Performance Tuner at the same time!
If sending your FICM in for service, write "Bundle" on the repair intake form and we'll apply your discount: INTAKE FORM
If avoiding down time with our FICM Exchange Program just select the "SCTX4 BUNDLE - CORE EXCHANGE" option on the right: FICM EXCHANGE