
What is this stuff? It's the best.
No-Ox is the absolute best material you can buy to prevent corrosion and oxidation. It also enhances conductivity at electrical connections.
NO-OX-ID electrical contact lubricant (electrical contact grease) is an electrically conductive grease that keeps metals free from rust and corrosion. NO-OX-ID electrical contact grease has been used in the power industry for over 65 years to prevent corrosion in electrical connectors from low micro-power electronics to high voltage switchgear. NO-OX-ID A-Special is RoHS compliant! This product is also used as a battery terminal grease.
NO-OX-ID electrical grease prevents the formation of oxides, sulfides and other corrosion deposits on copper, aluminum, and steel surfaces and conductors. The purpose of an electrical contact lubricant is to prevent corrosion and lubricate the connection for easier maintenance. NO-OX-ID "A-Special" electrical grease prevents corrosion attack on all metal surfaces. Attack can come from battery acid, salt, moisture and various industrial chemical vapors in the environment. When this conductive lubricant is used on aluminum connectors in joints, NO-OX-ID "A-Special" prevents the reformation of oxide films, which cause high resistance and subsequent failures.
NO-OX-ID A-Special electrical conductive paste is recommended by connector manufacturers for trouble-free joint connections. When nuts, mounting bolts, and cotter keys are coated with NO-OX-ID "A-Special", they will never rust or freeze assuring you easy, trouble-free removal. NO-OX-ID "A-Special" should be used wherever the formation of a corrosive product will affect the proper functioning of the metal surface. This electrical contact grease is easily applied, easily removed, and gives long-lasting reliable performance even on dissimilar metals.
Practical Sailor Magazine December 2010 (Consumer Reports for Sailboats) tested NO-OX-ID electrical contact grease and terminal grease lubricant on electrical terminal connectors. They tested the electric grease and electrical terminal lubricant for one year in a saltwater chamber which is the torture test of wire, crimp connectors, and corrosion inhibitors. Their conclusion was that NO-OX-ID electrical grease outperformed all other greases, lubricants and corrosion products tested including Boeshield T-9®. According to the Practical Sailor testing, all sections treated with Boeshield T-9® had completely rusted over. “There is only one product choice for long-term corrosion performance as an electrical grease and terminal lubricant. The electrical grease NO-OX-ID was the only product to provide lasting protection on terminals, the best value in consideration of the small amounts used and the cost of troubleshooting problems. It is worth paying more for a better coating.”
Ditch the rest and use the best. Get some No-Ox!