FICM Tuning - Tuner RENTAL - 10 Day

If you're wanting to learn more about FICM tunes, check out our page on that here: FICM TUNING
If you're looking to rent a FICM tuner to tune your own 6.0L PowerStroke, we've got you covered. You can rent a FICM tuner on a loaner basis and be able to apply a PHP tune (or change the existing PHP tune on your FICM) while it remains installed in your truck with no downtime!
Here's how it works:
You pay $650 upfront. (or... just $500 if you rent a tuner with no license on it. Without a license, the tuner can ONLY be used to to change a FICM tune that's already on a FICM. i.e. change from Atlas 40 to Atlas 80, etc.) You can keep and use the FICM tuner for a full 10 days from the moment you receive it, trying out all of the tunes to your heart's content - yup, you can see whether the Eco, the famed Atlas 40, the awesome Atlas 80, or the potentially-melt-your-pistons-and-take-out-your-trans-but-man-what-a-ride 100hp Hercules tune is for you (see our transmission upgrades video and product page here, lol).
You return ship the tuner within 10 days (24 days for Canada), and once we receive it we refund your $450 deposit - leaving you paying just $200 (or.... just $50 if you rented the unit to change the PHP tune you had) plus shipping. This grants you the ability to Love Your 6.0 Again (TM)!
Also, while you have the tuner rented, if you another truck you want to tune, call us we can load additional licenses right over the phone!
Some things worthy of note:
1. To avoid near certain failure of your #1 injector during the tuning process, please remember to follow the directions on the FICM tuner screen during the tuning. This means taking the two minutes to remove the FICM relay from its under hood location in the fuse box on the driver's side fender well near the firewall. You can confirm that you've removed the proper relay when you hear the eerie silence of no injector buzz key on engine off. As relays are known to get weak over time, consider picking one up with your loaner tuner order below especially if yours has more than 100,000 miles (that would be 160,000 km for our friends up north, lol) on 'er.
2. Tuners returned damaged may not be eligible for any refund amount. Please pack the tuner carefully and consider insuring it when shipping both to and from your location.
3. Depending on your injector size, there are two different tuner options available. Please choose the correct one to correspond with your injector size. The "large" tuner is for injectors larger than 155cc
4. By picking up this tuner on loan, you are agreeing to return it. If you fail to return it within 30 days, you will owe us and be charged an additional $1,000. No exceptions. If you get zinged the $1,000 and want it back, simply return the tuner to us within 180 days from the date of the sale. Note that the refund fee schedule covering the $450 'holding fee', as laid out below, will still apply. For example, if you return the tuner to us in 170 days, we will credit you the $1,000 charged along with $200 of the $500 originally paid as the 'holding fee'.
The returned tuner refund schedule is as follows:
Time Period Loaner Tuner Returned Within | Refund Amount |
0 - 10 days (0 - 24 days for Canadian Orders) | $450 |
11 - 18 days (25 - 32 days for Canadian Orders) | $400 |
19 - 30 (33 - 44 days for Canadian Orders) | $300 |
Over 30 days (44 days for Canadian Orders) | $200 |
5. If upon getting a tune installed, your buddies get jealous and want this tune on their truck, too, you can have us add additional licenses over a phone call. Just have the unit plugged into the truck or a computer (via the provided USB cable), call us with credit card in hand to cover the $150 cost of each additional license you want added, and we'll take care of you.
*** If you live outside of the USA, be sure to NOT select the pre-paid return label option when adding to your cart. We are unable to provide return labels for international shipments/returns. (Canada, Europe, etc.) i.e. it's the reason for the "USA Only" reference you'll see on the return label option when adding to your cart. - Thanks!
Caution: Certain Bully Dog tuners (I.E. Bully Dog Triple Pup) reflash the FICM to the latest version of Ford software as part of the programming process. If you have a Bully Dog tuner, please confirm with Bully Dog whether or not your tuner reflashes the FICM as well. If it does, use of the Bully Dog after programming your FICM will overwrite your FICM tune, resulting in a lost license/tune.